How does your life interweave with conservation?
As a child growing up in the rainforest of Sri Lanka,
nature was my first teacher. An example is watching a waterdrop on an elephant’s ear leaf.
I saw the world in a 360 degree view this perfect image encouraged me to capture
such beauty in my sketch books. As an avid bird watcher with a lifelist of over 4000 species
I work to protect and capture the flora and fauna as it exists today in my paintings.
I try to project a window of nature and hope to inspire others to love
and protect it through art, music, ecotourism, travel, poetry, etc.
I have worked with Prince Phillip in Sri Lanka to save the elephants, with the
Field Ornithology Group of Sri Lanka for the birds, with Sir Peter Scott for the world
wildlife fund, and the NARA the national water resources board of Sri Lanka for the
protection of sea mammals.
I have worked with the Houston Zoo with endangered frogs, with the Parrot
Foundation Parrot’s International for the ground nesting parrot in Abaco, Bahamas. I
have worked with AVRI Serpantarium to secure cobra and poisonous snake
antivenom/serum in Sri Lanka.
I worked with insects for the Natural History
Museum of Sri Lanka affiliated with the Smithsonian. We support an orphanage
Prithipura Homes in memory of our daughter and are involved with an elephant
orphanage and other venues in Natalie’s memory.
I am involved with the Hummingbird Society and support their annual festival in
Sedona and am currently working on a portfolio of all of the hummingbirds of the world.
Currently I am working on a series of paintings for a fundraiser for the Salton Sea
and to raise money and awareness for this very important cause. If people are not
moved to be proactive concerning the Salton Sea, one of the largest bird sanctuaries
in the United States will result in a devastating number of birds lost to us as a major impact to human life
and health. These issues can be solved, but we all must be more proactive in sharing awareness and solutions.
More info about the Salton Sea can be found with one of our partners at: SaveOurSea.info.